This page will provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding the North Sea Pines Drive Infrastructure Repair Project. If your question is not addressed in the documents and resources found on this page, please send your questions or feedback to the Sea Pines CSA Capital Improvements Department by clicking here. Sea Pines CSA will continue to update this page with specific information and details as they are available. Thank you for your patience as we make these necessary infrastructure and safety improvements to North Sea Pines Drive.
Project Details:
Sea Pines CSA has identified approximately 1.3 miles of North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Ocean Gate to the Lighthouse Road intersection to undergo extensive storm water drainage repairs, roadway and leisure trail construction/resurfacing.
Project Goals:
Key goals of the project include the following:
- Improve traffic flow and safety
- Increase drainage efficiency
- Stabilize and reinforce road bed in select areas as needed
- Resurface North Sea Pines Drive from Ocean Gate to the Lighthouse Road intersection
- Improve roadway signage
- Realign and widen leisure trail to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety where needed
- Provide new pedestrian crossings across North Sea Pines Drive
Project Phasing:
The project which will occur from Ocean Gate to the Lighthouse Road intersection and will be executed in two (2) phases:
Phase 1 Archive: Completed in April 2021. Click here to review Phase 1 project details and updates.
Phase 2 Project Details:
- Project Work Zone: North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club to the Ocean Gate in Sea Pines.
- Project Start Date: Work will begin in September 2021.
- Scope of Work: Stabilizing, realigning, and resurfacing the roadway and leisure trails. Additional site work includes drainage improvements, curbing, installation, and replacement of both stamped and thermoplastic crosswalks, leisure trail widening and re-alignments, new signage and striping, tree pruning and removals, and irrigation/landscaping within the project area.
Traffic Management Plan:
- Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm with no work occurring on major holidays.
Weekend work may be necessary but will be communicated in advance.
- Beginning mid-week of September 13th, we will employ alternating single lane closures on portions of North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club to the Ocean Gate as needed. In work zones flag persons will be present to control traffic.
- Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
- Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- If you have a large truck delivery or move planned during the project period you are asked to coordinate with Sea Pines Security by calling 843.671.7170.
Commercial Traffic Restrictions:
- We request that tri-axle vehicles avoid the Ocean Gate, when possible.
- Tri-axle vehicles are encouraged to use the Greenwood Gate located off of Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community.
Leisure Trail Detour Map:
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map below for more information.

Vehicle Traffic Detour Map:
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area. Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.

- Comments or questions for the Sea Pines CSA Capital Improvements Department may be submitted online here.
8/19/2021- 9/2/2021
Installation of silt fencing and tree protection along segments of the project area is underway. Project materials are being delivered and stored at Lot 8 in preparation of the project start date.

- Tree work will begin mid-week of September 13th, weather permitting.
- Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. Flag persons will be present to control traffic, as needed.
- Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
North Sea Pines Drive Phase 2 Roadway Reconstruction Work Begins
- Tree work along North Sea Pines Drive began Wednesday, September 15th.
- Drainage work in proximity to Red Cardinal Road will begin the week of September 20th.
- Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. Flag persons will be present to control traffic, as needed.
- Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.

North Sea Pines Drive Phase 2 Roadway Reconstruction Underway
- Tree work continues along the project work zone.
- Drainage work will begin this week within the utility easements across from Beachwalk 39, between Red Cardinal Road and Whistling Swan Road.
- Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. Flag persons will be present to control traffic, as needed.
- Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Tree work continues along the project work zone.
- Drainage demolition and construction are underway near Red Cardinal Road & Beachmarker 39. The work in this area will continue throughout this week.
- Erosion control will be installed at the beginning of next week in select areas of the roadway, leisure trails and Beachwalks along North Sea Pines Drive.
- Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. Flag persons will be present to control traffic, as needed.
- Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
Current Week:
- Drainage work continues in proximity to Beachwalk #39 and Red Cardinal Road.
- Drainage work begins today, October 7th, in proximity to Beachwalk #40 (between 62 & 68 drainage easement), weather permitting.
- Erosion control & tree protection will be installed in select areas of the roadway, leisure trails and beachwalks along North Sea Pines Drive and where the “T” streets meet North Sea Pines Drive.
Next Week: October 12-15
- Crews will begin major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacement next week in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected along North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
Past Week: 10/11-10/15
Crews work in tight quarters near Red Cardinal Road to excavate the old stormwater drainage pipe.
Photo of the excavated original stormwater drainage pipe, which is estimated to be nearly 60 years old.
Excavated original stormwater drainage pipes which were badly deteriorated.
New replacement stormwater pipe awaiting installation.
Week of 10/18-10/22Crews will continue major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacement in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
What you need to know?
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area. Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
- Short timed/temporary road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will occur next week as the main stormwater drainage pipes that cross this major roadway are removed and replaced.
- An alert will be sent in advance of these closures.
- Disruption to water utility services in the project zone (along North Sea Pines Drive) will occur early next week as crews conduct the removal and replacement pipework.
- Sea Pines CSA will communicate early next week once the timing and affected areas are confirmed through South Island Public Service District.
- Beginning today, October 14th, the leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map (click here)
- We appreciate your continued patience as our crews work to conduct this critical infrastructure work. This work will make a positive impact not only in this area of the roadway along North Sea Pines Drive but will also make a significant improvement to the communities’ overall master stormwater drainage system.
10/15/21 Update
Early next week, major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacement will occur in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail. Weather permitting, below is the current schedule:
Monday, October 18:
Site Prep Work In the Roadway on North Sea Pines Drive Near Red Cardinal Road
- Single lane closures and short-timed/temporary full road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will be used to accommodate site prep work along the roadway.
- Flagman will be present during the single-lane closures- Traffic detours will be in effect during the temporary full road closures.
Tuesday, October 19:
Major Stormwater Drain Pipe Removal and Replacement Planned On Tuesday Morning Near Red Cardinal Road
- Single lane closures and temporary full road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will be utilized as the main stormwater drainage pipes that cross this major roadway are removed and replaced.
- This major removal and replacement work will occur on Tuesday morning, weather permitting from approximately 6:30 AM-Noon and longer full lane closures should be expected during this time period. Avoid the project work zone if possible.
- Owners/renters with property between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will still have access to their homes. Emergency vehicles will also still have access during this timeframe.
- Flagman will be present during the single-lane closures- Traffic detours will be in effect during the temporary full road closures.
- Disruption to water utility services in the project zone will occur on October 19 from approximately 6:30 AM to Noon, as crews conduct the removal and replacement pipework. The areas that will be impacted by the water outage include Fairway One Villas, Red Cardinal Road, The Sea Pines Beach Club.
General Project Reminders:
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane and full road closures as necessary along this roadway to accommodate the work.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area.
- Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
- As of October 14th, the leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. We will keep you updated on its estimated reopening date.
- Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map by clicking here) for more information.
October 19, 2021
Water Service Restored:
- Water utility services in the areas of Fairway One Villas, Red Cardinal Road, The Sea Pines Beach Club. have been restored as of 11:00 AM. We appreciate your patience as our crews work to conduct this critical infrastructure work.
October 21, 2021
North Sea Pines Drive Phase 2: Major Roadway Reconstruction In Progress
Major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacements are in progress in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work.
- Stormwater drainage installation along the drainage easement in proximity to Beachwalk #40 and Spotted Sandpiper Road will be taking place on Saturday, October 23rd, weather permitting.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area. Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
- Short timed/temporary road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will continue through next week as the main stormwater drainage pipes that cross this major roadway are removed and replaced.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
Crews working to excavate old stormwater drainage pipe
Installation of New replacement stormwater drainage pipe
Potable water line excavation along North Sea Pines Drive
Major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacements are in progress in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work in and along the roadway.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area. Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
- Short timed/temporary road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will continue through next week as the main stormwater drainage pipes that cross this major roadway are removed and replaced.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- Additional erosion control & tree protection will be installed next week from Spotted Sandpiper to Ocean Gate.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
Crews working near Beachwalk #40 to remove stormwater drainage pipe
Old deteriorated stormwater drainage pipe awaiting disposal
Crews work in tight quarters and in close proximity to the busy North Sea Pines Drive Roadway to excavate old drainage pipes.
November 4, 2021
Major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacements are in progress in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work in and along the roadway.
- Owners, guests, and visitors are asked to plan accordingly and avoid the project area when possible by using the main gate located on Greenwood Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are asked to seek alternate routes that avoid the project area. Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage, and devices.
- Short timed/temporary road closures in both directions along North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road will continue through next week as the main stormwater drainage pipes that cross this major roadway are removed and replaced.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
Crews excavating and removing an old drain pipe along North Sea Pines Drive
Crews conduct drainage installation across North Sea Pines Drive near Red Cardinal Road
November 11, 2021-
Major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacements continue in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
November 18, 2021
Major stormwater drain pipe excavation and replacements are in progress in the areas along and across the roadway of North Sea Pines Drive between Red Cardinal Road to Spotted Sandpiper Road and the adjacent leisure trail. Work will be conducted Monday-Wednesday of next week.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
Catbird Lane & Spotted Sandpiper Road Drainage Work to begin November 29th
Sea Pines CSA’s contractor will begin well point operations the week of November 29th to remove groundwater before excavation.
- Well point pumps and equipment will be set up in the roadway.
- Work is expected to take 2 weeks, weather permitting.
Sea Pines CSA will continue to keep the community updated throughout this project through our community emails and our website at
Construction crews will conduct major infrastructure improvement work near the Ocean Gate in Sea Pines the week of December 6th. This portion of the work occurring in the inbound lane is expected to take approximately 3 days to complete, weather permitting.
Due to limitations on working space and the need to excavate stormwater drainage pipe and install replacement pipe, the inbound lane of traffic at the Ocean Gate (Cordillo Pkwy. At South Forest Beach Drive) will be closed from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm during the work.
Drivers coming inbound into Sea Pines will need to use the Greenwood Gate located off of the Sea Pines Circle during the stated timeframe. Traffic control and flaggers will be present during this work, drivers are asked to use caution in the work zone. Leisure trails in this area of North Sea Pines Drive and the Ocean Gate will be closed in both directions to accommodate this work.
Sea Pines CSA will continue to keep you updated and will provide additional details and firm dates on this planned work and lane closures as we near the week of December 6th.
Discovery of Utility Conflicts in Project Zone Causes Schedule Update to Sea Pines Ocean Gate Lane Closures
- Inbound Lane Closures at the Ocean Gate will continue through Friday, December 10 from 7a-5p.
- Work at the Ocean Gate will not occur over the weekend and both lanes will be open (December 11th – 12th)
- The Outbound Lane Closure at the Ocean Gate will begin Monday, December 13th. The stormwater drainage work will take approximately 3 days to complete, weather permitting. The outbound lane will be CLOSED from 7 AM – 5 PM, December 13th through December 15th.
Click here to view the most recent update on this work.
Spotted Sandpiper Road Drainage Work
Work continues on Sandpiper Road. This work is expected to take 1-2 weeks, weather permitting. Drainage work on Catbird Lane will follow.
General Project Reminders
- North Sea Pines Drive Roadway Reconstruction will continue through January. Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane and temporary full lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work. Traffic control will be in place, obey the speed limit within the construction zone.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
- Sea Pines CSA will continue to keep the community updated throughout this project through our community emails and our website at
December 16, 2021
Ocean Gate Drainage Work
Crews successfully completed stormwater drainage pipe excavation and installation across the roadway on North Sea Pines Drive in proximity to the Ocean Gate. Crews will continue working in the Ocean Gate area next week, weather permitting.
Spotted Sandpiper Road Drainage Work
Drainage work continues on Sandpiper Road and will continue through the end of the week, weather permitting. Well-point operations on Catbird Lane will begin on Monday, December 20th.
Pictured below: Sea Pines CSA’s contractor works around utility conflicts during drainage work on Spotted Sandpiper Road.
December 21, 2021
Sea Pines CSA’s contractors continue conducting Major Roadway and Infrastructure Reconstruction Improvements along North Sea Pines Drive.
Work will not be conducted on the following days: December 24, December 25, December 31 or January 1.
Sandhill Crane Road Drainage Work
- Drainage work in proximity to Beachwalk 45 and Sandhill Crane Road began this week.
- Single-lane road closures are scheduled to begin the week of January 3rd, flagging operations will be in place.
- The leisure trail remains closed.
Catbird Lane Drainage Work
- Well-point operations on Catbird Lane began Monday, December 20th to remove groundwater before pipe excavation and will continue through Thursday, December 23rd.
December 30, 2021
Sea Pines CSA’s contractors will continue conducting Major Roadway and Infrastructure Reconstruction Improvements along North Sea Pines Drive through January 2022.
Potable Water Line Shutdown Scheduled for the Week of January 3rd
- Due to a water line conflict in proximity to new drainage pipe installation, Sea Pines CSA contractors in conjunction with South Island Public Service District will be executing a potable water line shut down the week of January 3rd in proximity to Spotted Sandpiper Road and Whistling Swan Road.
- South Island Public Service District does not expect Property Owners to be affected by the water line shutdown.
Alternating single-lane road closures will begin Monday, January 3rd, and will continue through Friday, January 7th
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive next week as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work. Traffic control will be in place, obey the speed limit within the construction zone.
Sandhill Crane Road & Catbird Lane Drainage Work
Drainage work in proximity to Sandhill Crane Road and Night Heron Villas is in progress. The leisure trail remains closed.
- Drainage installation on Catbird Lane is in progress and will continue through the week of January 3rd.
Sandhill Crane Road & Catbird Lane Drainage Work
- Drainage work in proximity to Sandhill Crane Road and Night Heron Villas is in progress. The leisure trail remains closed.
- Drainage installation on Catbird Lane is in progress and will continue through the week of January 10th.
Red Cardinal Road Survey Work
- Survey work will take place on Red Cardinal Road the week of January 10th.
- No traffic delays or detours are expected.

January 13, 2022
Sea Pines CSA’s contractor began setting up for well point operations from Oyster Catcher to Duck Hawk as well as from Laughing Gull towards Catbird Lane today, January 13th. Drainage pipe installation will begin on these sections of the roadway Tuesday, January 18th, weather permitting.
Sandhill Crane Road & Catbird Lane Drainage Work
- Drainage work in proximity to Sandhill Crane Road and Night Heron Villas is in progress. The leisure trail remains closed.
- Drainage pipe installation on Catbird Lane is in progress and will continue through the end of this week. (Pictured below)
General Project Reminders
- Heavy traffic delays should be expected on North Sea Pines Drive as crews will utilize single-lane closures along this roadway to accommodate the work. Traffic control will be in place, obey the speed limit within the construction zone.
- The leisure trail along North Sea Pines Drive from The Sea Pines Beach Club to Lawton Drive is closed to bike and pedestrian traffic. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- The Beachwalks located at #39 & #40 are not currently accessible from North Sea Pines Drive due to this project.
- Sea Pines CSA will continue to keep the community updated throughout this project through our community emails and our website at
January 27, 2022
Major stormwater drainage pipe removal and replacements are currently underway. Traffic delays are expected in the following areas:
- In proximity to Sandhill Crane Road and Night Heron Villas
- From Catbird Lane to Laughing Gull Road
- From Oyster Catcher Road to Duck Hawk Road
Leisure trail reconstruction operations are also underway and leisure trails in the project zone have been milled and graded. Paving operations will begin the week of January 31st, weather permitting.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone to accommodate this work. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
Curb demolition in proximity to the Ocean Gate, Lawton Drive, and other select areas in the project zone will begin the week of January 31st, weather permitting. Traffic control will be in place.
Pictured below from L to R: Old Drainage Structure Removed at Oyster Catcher Road Full of Roots and Sediment, Drainage Pipe Excavation at Catbird Lane and North Sea Pines Drive, Old Drainage Pipe Removed at Catbird Lane 80% Full of Debris)

February 3, 2022
Major stormwater drainage pipe removal and replacements are currently underway. Traffic delays are expected in the following areas:
- In proximity to Sandhill Crane Road and Night Heron Villas
- From Catbird Lane to Laughing Gull Road
- From Oyster Catcher Road to Duck Hawk Road
Leisure trail reconstruction operations are also underway and leisure trails in the project zone have been milled and graded. Paving operations began this week and will continue for the next few weeks, weather permitting.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone to accommodate this work. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
Project work scheduled to begin in upcoming weeks:
- Drainage work in proximity to Green Heron
- Drainage work in proximity to Lawton Drive
- Roadway alignment work
- Forming new curb along roadway in select areas
Curb demolition in progress on North Sea Pines Drive near Lawton Drive
Leisure Trail paving operations underway near Lawton Drive
Drainage pipe installation in progress along North Sea Pines Drive
February 10, 2022
Roadway milling operations will begin next week (2/14/22) on North Sea Pines Drive
- Weather permitting, roadway milling operations will begin on Monday, February 14th on North Sea Pines Drive in proximity to the Ocean Gate and will continue towards the Sea Pines Beach Club.
- Milling operations will also include a portion of Lawton Drive, Catbird Lane, Sandhill Crane Road, Mockingbird Lane, and Pyxie Lane
- Due to the nature of this work, heavy traffic delays are expected.
- Flag persons will be present as needed to control traffic with alternating single-lane closures in the designated work zone.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
10′ Leisure Trail paving operations underway near Whistling Swan Road
Underground utility conflicts at Duck Hawk Road
Crews install new drainage pipes around underground utilities near Laughing Gull Road
2/16/22 Update: Milling Operations are underway along North Sea Pines Drive
Due to the nature of this work, periodic lane closures at the Ocean Gate (located at Cordillo Parkway and South Forest Beach Drive) will be utilized.
Outbound Lane Closure Information:
- The Outbound Lane Closure at the Ocean Gate will occur February 17th from 7 AM – 2 PM, weather permitting.
- Local traffic only to Canvasback Road, Ruddyturnstone Road, Sandhill Crane Road & Green Heron Road.
- Drivers exiting Sea Pines must use the Greenwood Gate located off of Greenwood Drive.
Additional Project Reminders:
- Heavy traffic delays are expected, please plan accordingly.
- Tri-axle vehicles are directed to use the Greenwood Gate located off of Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community through February 25th.
- Flag persons will be present as needed to control traffic with alternating single-lane closures in the designated work zone.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next:
- Major milling operations will be followed by asphalt resurfacing, roadway alignment/widening work, temporary line stripping, and then paving. Crews will also apply temporary line stripping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line stripping and install roadway reflectors.
February 17, 2022 Update:
Roadway Milling Operations in Progress on North Sea Pines Drive
- Weather permitting, roadway milling operations will be completed by the end of this week on North Sea Pines Drive.
- Due to the nature of this work, heavy traffic delays are expected.
- Flag persons will be present as needed to control traffic with alternating single-lane closures in the designated work zone.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next:
- Major milling operations will be followed by roadway alignment/widening work, temporary line stripping, and then roadway paving. Crews will also apply temporary line stripping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line stripping, crosswalk stamping and install roadway reflectors.
- Following paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive, milling and paving operations will be scheduled for the following roads: Catbird Lane, Sandhill Crane Road, Mockingbird Lane, Pyxie Lane, and a section of Lawton Drive from North Sea Pines Drive to Night Heron Lane.
February 24, 2022 Update:
Milling operations on North Sea Pines Drive and temporary line stripping have been completed. Roadway alignment/widening work is nearing completion.
General Reminders:
- Due to the nature of this work, heavy traffic delays are expected.
- Flag persons will be present as needed to control traffic with alternating single-lane closures in the designated work zone.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next:
- Once roadway alignment/widening work and curb installation have been completed, roadway paving will begin. Crews will also apply temporary line stripping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line stripping, crosswalk stamping and install roadway reflectors.
- Following paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive, milling and paving operations will be scheduled for the following roads: Catbird Lane, Sandhill Crane Road, Mockingbird Lane, Pyxie Lane, and a section of Lawton Drive from North Sea Pines Drive to Night Heron Lane.
March 3, 2022 Update:
For the remainder of this week, Sea Pines CSA contractors will be on-site conducting full-depth asphalt patching in select areas, roadside soil grading operations along the project zone, pouring and installing new curbing in proximity to Lawton Drive and North Sea Pines Drive and completing leisure trail paving operations.

Sea Pines CSA is working with our contractor to schedule paving operations for next week (3/7/22) on North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club towards the Ocean Gate, weather permitting
- Due to the nature of this work, heavy traffic delays are expected.
- Flag persons will be present as needed to control traffic with alternating single-lane closures in the designated work zone.
- Tri-axle vehicles are encouraged to use the Greenwood Gate located off of Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Crews will also apply temporary line stripping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line stripping, crosswalk stamping and install roadway reflectors.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next:
- Following paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive, milling and paving operations will be scheduled for the following roads: Catbird Lane, Sandhill Crane Road, Mockingbird Lane, Pyxie Lane, and a section of Lawton Drive from North Sea Pines Drive to Night Heron Lane.
March 10, 2022 Update:
North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Paving Operations Update
Due to weather delays, paving operations have been scheduled to begin on Monday, March 14th on North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club towards the Ocean Gate. The project will take approximately 5 days to complete, weather permitting. Due to the nature of this work, outbound lane closures at the Ocean Gate (located at Cordillo Parkway and South Forest Beach Drive) will be utilized.
Ocean Gate Outbound Lane Closure Information
- The Outbound Lane at the Ocean Gate will be CLOSED from 7 AM – 6 PM, March 14th through March 18th.
- Local traffic only between Lighthouse Road & Sea Pines Drive to the Ocean Gate.
- Drivers exiting Sea Pines must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Traffic Detours and single-lane closures will be utilized as necessary in the project zone.
Additional Project Reminders
- Heavy traffic delays are expected, please plan accordingly.
- Traffic control and flaggers will be present during this work, drivers are asked to use caution in the work zone.
- Commercial vehicles must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Crews will also apply temporary line stripping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line stripping, crosswalk stamping and install roadway reflectors.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next:
- Following paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive, milling and paving operations will be scheduled for the following roads: Catbird Lane, Sandhill Crane Road, Mockingbird Lane, Pyxie Lane, and a section of Lawton Drive from North Sea Pines Drive to Night Heron Lane.
3/14/22 – North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Paving Operations Update
Paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club towards the Ocean Gate are scheduled to begin on Tuesday, March 15th and will continue through Saturday, March 19th, weather permitting. Due to the nature of this work, outbound lane closures at the Ocean Gate (located at Cordillo Parkway and South Forest Beach Drive) will be utilized.
Ocean Gate Outbound Lane Closure Information
- The Outbound Lane at the Ocean Gate will be CLOSED from 7 AM – 6 PM, March 15th through March 19th, weather permitting.
- Local traffic only between Lighthouse Road & Sea Pines Drive to the Ocean Gate.
- Drivers exiting Sea Pines must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Traffic detours and single-lane closures will be utilized as necessary in the project zone.
Additional Project Reminders
- Heavy traffic delays are expected, please plan accordingly.
- Traffic control and flaggers will be present during this work, drivers are asked to use caution in the work zone.
- Commercial vehicles must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- Leisure trails remain closed in the project zone. Please refer to the Leisure Trail detour map here for more information.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
Water Outage Planned on Tuesday (3/15) For Select Properties In Proximity to Ruddy Turnstone Rd., Green Heron Rd. & North Sea Pines Drive
A planned water outage will occur on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from approximately 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, as crews conduct the removal and replacement of stormwater drainage pipes along North Sea Pines Drive.
According to South Island Public Service District (SIPSD), this water outage will affect the following homes:
- # 1 Ruddy Turnstone Road & # 2 Ruddy Turnstone Road
- #1 Green Heron Road & #2 Green Heron Road
- # 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 & 21 North Sea Pines Drive
Please be advised that additional homes may be affected by the outage.
3/17/22 – North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Paving Operations Update
Due to weather delays, paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive from the Sea Pines Beach Club towards the Ocean Gate began today, March 17th. The project will take approximately 5 days to complete, weather permitting.
Thursday, March 17th through Friday, March 18th
- The Outbound Lane at the Ocean Gate will be CLOSED from 7 AM – 6 PM, Thursday and Friday.
- Local traffic only between Lighthouse Road & Sea Pines Drive to the Ocean Gate.
- Drivers exiting Sea Pines must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive.
- Traffic detours and single-lane closures will be utilized as necessary in the project zone.
Saturday, March 19th
- Both lanes of North Sea Pines Drive will be open. Paving operations will resume Monday, March 21st.
- The leisure trails in the project area will re-open for use. We ask that bikers and pedestrians use caution as the leisure trails are within an active construction zone.
Monday, March 21st through Wednesday, March 23rd
- Crews will return to complete paving operations along North Sea Pines Drive, Catbird Lane, Mockingbird Lane, Pyxie Lane, and a section of Lawton Drive from North Sea Pines Drive to Night Heron Lane.
- Traffic detours and single-lane closures will be utilized as necessary in the project zone.
Additional Project Reminders
- Heavy traffic delays are expected, please plan accordingly.
- Traffic control and flaggers will be present during this work, drivers are asked to use caution in the work zone.
- Commercial vehicles must use the Greenwood Gate located on Greenwood Drive for entering and exiting the Sea Pines community through March 23.
- Please use caution while driving in this area and observe the work zone speed limit of 15 mph and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.
- To avoid delays in the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
What’s Next
- Crews will apply temporary line striping to the paved roadway and then return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line striping, crosswalk stamping and install roadway reflectors.
- Following paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive, paving operations will be scheduled for Sandhill Crane Road.
3/24/22 – North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Update
Paving operations on North Sea Pines Drive are scheduled to be completed by the end of this week, weather permitting.
- Crews will continue to apply temporary line striping to the newly reconstructed and paved roadway through Friday, March 25th, and will return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line striping and install roadway reflectors.
- Crosswalk stamping near Lawton Drive and in proximity to Duck Hawk Road is scheduled for Friday, March 25th, weather permitting.
- Traffic control and flaggers will be present during this work, drivers are asked to use caution in the work zone.
What’s Next:
- Site cleanup, including roadside grading and landscape cleanup, will begin this week and continue through the week of March 28th.
- Milling and paving operations for Sandhill Crane Road will be scheduled at a future date.
3/31/22 – North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Nearing Completion
- Installation of traffic and pedestrian signage is currently in progress.
- Site cleanup, including roadside grading and landscape cleanup, is underway.
- Crews applied temporary line striping to the newly reconstructed and paved roadway and will return after the necessary curing period to complete permanent line striping and install roadway reflectors.
Stormwater Drainage Work at Beachwalk #45
- Master stormwater drainage work at Beachwalk #45 in the North Sea Pines Drive project area, between Green Heron Road and Sandhill Crane Road, is scheduled to be completed by the end of the week, weather permitting. (Pictured: Pile of the Removed Failed Stormwater Drainage Pipe)
- The beachwalk will remain open, but we ask that pedestrians use caution while in the area.
4/7/2022 Update –
North Sea Pines Drive Improvement Project Nearing Completion
- Landscape restoration and site cleanup are underway and will continue along the shoulders of North Sea Pines Drive through next week.
- No roadway work will take place during the week of April 11th.
New Traffic Pattern at Lawton Drive and North Sea Pines Drive
Please be advised there is a new traffic pattern at the intersection of Lawton Drive and North Sea Pines Drive following the roadway reconstruction project. This area of the roadway was reconfigured, as recommended by our project engineers to allow for better ingress/egress, improved visibility, and safety.
Drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists are asked to use caution in this area while users become accustomed to the new traffic pattern. For more details, please refer to the diagram below.
5/12/22 Update:
Landscape site restoration is in progress and will continue through next week.