Community Rules & Policies

Community Rules & Policies

Welcome Guide

While you are here, have fun and be considerate of the natural and serene atmosphere of Sea Pines that helps make it the perfect place to visit. We respectfully request that all guests observe all regulations found in the Welcome Guide to ensure a more pleasant stay.

Community Rules and Regulation Documents:


Click here to view a Digital Guide to Living with Alligators

Click here to view a Digital Guide to Living with Alligators in Spanish

Important Safety Tips Regarding Alligators in Sea Pines:

  • Assume every body of water contains an alligator
  • Stay at least 60 feet (4 car lengths) away from alligators
  • Alligators are ambush predators and can move faster than you or your pets
  • Keep pets and children away from water’s edge
  • Swimming or wading is prohibited in Sea Pines’ waterways
  • Feeding or harassing alligators is dangerous and illegal
  • When fishing or crabbing do not throw used bait or fish parts into the water

Immediately call Sea Pines Security at 843.671.7170 to report any aggressive alligator behavior or concerns.

Leisure Trail Information:
One of the most stunning features of Sea Pines is the 17-mile leisure trail network that that conveniently links all major locations and activities within the area. Given the popularity of these trails with owners and guests who enjoy biking, jogging, and walking, it’s important to ensure everyone’s safety. Please click here to view our Sea Pines Leisure Trail information page.The below are are prohibited for use in Sea Pines:

  • Electric Bikes (ebikes; including Pedal-Assist Bikes)
  • Motorized Scooters**
  • Golf Carts
  • Any Other Motorized Vehicle

**Power-driven mobility devices are permitted for ADA use in the community