Rental Registration Program
About the Rental Registration Program
In May of 2022, the Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors approved a recommendation from the Revenue Task Force to implement a Sea Pines CSA Annual Rental Registration Program and associated fee. The program went into effect on January 1, 2023, for all residential property owners that rent their property (long or short-term) at any time during the calendar year.
This page will communicate information, resources and a list of frequently asked questions related to the Sea Pines CSA Annual Rental Registration Program.
2024 Annual Rental Registration Fee Invoiced on 5.15.24
The 2024 Annual Rental Registration Fee was invoiced on May 15, 2024, to Sea Pines Residential Property Owners who have their property registered with our Rental Registration Program, or their property is advertised on the internet as being available for rental purposes. Invoices were sent to the primary email address on record with Sea Pines CSA and mailed to those property owners who do not have a primary email address on file. Full payment of this fee is due by Monday, July 1, 2024.
On October 30, 2024, and on September 11, 2024, Rental Registration Fee Statements were sent to property owners who had an outstanding balance on their account. These statements were sent to the primary email address on record from the following email address: In the case of property owners who do not have an email address on file, the statements will be mailed via USPS.
Payment Portal Notice: We are aware that when making payments for Rental Registration Fee invoices via the Truist payment portal, the Payment Due Month is listed as January. Due to Truist Bank’s system constraints, that is unable to be changed to align with any other associated due dates. Please also note this payment portal does not automatically populate balances, the amount to pay must be entered manually. For the amount due and the due date, please refer to your invoice or contact Tracey McNeill at with questions.
Development of the Sea Pines CSA Rental Registration Program
In the spring of 2021, the Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors established a Revenue Task Force to address a number of revenue challenges facing the community. One of those challenges was the demand for services created by record-high occupancy. The objective was to evaluate the operational needs created by an increase in rental properties during the past 5 years. It examined how to generate the revenue needed to support this increase in activity and its impact on community services. It was determined that the hiring and retention of Security, Gate, and Community Standards staff was key to meeting this need. The Revenue Task Force put forth three proposals in November 2021 and followed up with a data-supported presentation in March 2022.
After a detailed analysis of the increased demand placed on Sea Pines CSA services and the reasons for staffing shortages, it was determined that heavy workloads and a lack of competitive wages were issues that must be addressed. Therefore, the Board passed the following resolution in May 2022:
“RESOLVED, Community Services Associates, Inc., Board of Directors, approved amendment to Sea Pines Land Use Rules and Regulations for Residential Property Owners, Long Term and Short Term Tenants, to include: Rental Property Business Registration Fee, assessed yearly, annual limit increase of no more than 10%, to begin January 1, 2023, $300/1 – 2 bedrooms, $700/3 – 4 bedrooms and $1,000/5+ bedrooms, as presented”.
Rental Registration Program Update
During the Board Meeting held on May 21, 2024, a detailed analysis on the Rental Registration Program was presented to the Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors. The presentation included the results of a reconciliation report verifying rental properties in Sea Pines CSA’s Rental Registration Program with Sea Pines rental homes registered with the Town of Hilton Head Island. Additionally, a financial report outlined the funds collected in 2023 and how they were allocated to support the retention and recruiting of Sea Pines Security Officers, Gate Staff, and a new Community Standards Officer. The report also included the budgeted income and expenses for 2024. To view the presentation, click play below or watch on YouTube here.
Investing in these areas of service provides Sea Pines CSA with the necessary resources to effectively meet the community’s needs amidst the consistently high occupancy levels.
Annual Rental Registration Program FAQs:
Program Details
What is this program for? I have never seen this before.
For the past five years, Sea Pines has experienced a significant increase in its occupancy. This is in most part due to the continued growth in the number of Residential Properties being held for renting or leasing. The Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors asked management to evaluate the effects of this record-high occupancy rate. The results indicated that from 2017 through 2021, the number of short-term rental passes issued increased 68% and the number of calls for security services also increased by 68%. More extensive research over a five-year period indicated a 53% increase in security calls for improper parking associated with rental homes, a 143% increase in security calls for covenant violations at rental homes and 237% increase in security calls for noise complaints at rental homes. Meanwhile, the number of patrol officers responding to these calls over that same period did not increase at all. The Sea Pines CSA Board recognized the need to employ additional security patrol officers as well as community standards officers to assist with the enforcement of Sea Pines covenants, rules, and regulations.
In May of 2022, the Sea Pines CSA Board approved the implementation of the Annual Rental Registration Program to produce revenue to offset these additional services.
The original Financial Resources Required to Serve our Property Owners, Guests and Visitors was $1,746,200. The 2023 Annual Rental Registration Program is anticipated to fund $1,233,000 of that requirement. Other increases to the 2023 Operating Budget fund the remaining shortfall.
What is the fee structure?
The Annual Rental Registration Fee, billed to all residential property owners that rent their property at any time during the calendar year, is based on the number of bedrooms advertised for rent. The Annual Rental Registration Fee is limited to an increase of no more than 10% on an annual basis. The fee structure is as follows:
# of Advertised Bedrooms Annual Rental Registration Fee
One to Two $300
Three to Four $700
Five Plus $1,000
How is the Annual Rental Registration Program fee calculated?
The Annual Rental Registration Fee is based on the number of bedrooms advertised for rent. The Sea Pines CSA Revenue Task Force and the Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors determined that this is the most equitable correlation between the property and the need for additional services. If you feel that there is a discrepancy on your invoice between the number of bedrooms available for rent and the number used to calculate the fee, please contact Sea Pines CSA Security Administration at (843) 671-1343. We will provide you with information and/or the advertisement that was used to determine the amount of the invoice.
Why isn’t Sea Pines CSA basing the Annual Rental Registration Fee on actual rental revenue, as is the case with the Town of Hilton Head Island?
The Town of Hilton Head Island, as a governmental entity, can require its citizens to report their rental revenue as a basis for their Business License fee. Sea Pines CSA, as a non-profit entity, does not have that capability. Our fees are based upon the number of advertised bedrooms, without regard to how many weeks the property is rented or leased.
Program Registration
How do I register for the Annual Rental Registration Program?
Those owners who plan to rent their property, either short or long term will need to contact Sea Pines CSA to set up their property rental account. Please contact the Sea Pines CSA Security Administration Office at 843.671.1343 to register.
If you already have your long-term renters registered with Sea Pines CSA or an “R” code for your Short-term rental(s), no further action is required.
Fee Payment
How often will I have to pay this Annual Rental Registration fee? When will it be invoiced?
The Annual Rental Registration fee will be invoiced once a year for any year in which you rent your property on a long-term or short-term basis. In the event you discontinue renting your property, we ask that you notify our Sea Pines CSA Security Administration Office, and we will take your property off the list for the subsequent year. They can be reached at (843) 671-1343 or Payment will be due thirty days from the date of the invoice.
How do I pay my Annual Rental Registration Program fee invoice?
1. Use a credit/debit card subject to a surcharge per transaction (E-Check is No Charge, Debit Card – flat fee of $4.95, Credit Card – 2.95% of the transaction amount) via Truist Association Services online payment services. Go to: and key in three numbers which are shown on your Rental Registration Program Invoice:
Please note that you will have to manually enter in the amount you are remitting as it does not automatically populate. This invoice is not eligible for auto- draft through Truist Association Services.
Contact Truist Association Services with online payment service questions Monday thru Friday, 9am – 5 pm EST at (888) 722-6669 or (727) 549-1202.
2. Make checks payable to CSA, Inc., write your Sea Pines property’s 8-digit account number on your check. Send to our lockbox address at:
PO BOX 628207
ORLANDO, FL 32862-8207
3. Use your own online bill pay service – make sure you update your account number and our lockbox mailing address. Transmit your CSA 11-digit bill pay number instead of your 8-digit property account number for this method as noted on the payment notice. Please note this fee is not eligible for auto draft.
What happens if I do not pay this fee?
If payment is not remitted by the due date, your property will be subject to late fees and finance charges. Depending on the outstanding balance on your property, a property lien may be placed on your property for non-payment as well as possible suspension of your guest and rental pass privileges.
I sent an email to and never received a response. Why is that?
As noted in our communications, is a Non-Reply Email Account and is used only to send out invoices and is not monitored. For questions regarding your Sea Pines Annual Rental Registration Invoice, please contact Tracey McNeill directly via email at
I don’t rent my property. Why did I receive an invoice?
You are being charged this program fee because, either your property is registered with our Annual Rental Registration Program, or your property has a presence on the internet as being available for rental purposes. If you have been invoiced in error, please contact our Sea Pines Security Administration Office at 843-671-1343 to provide evidence that your property is not available for rental purposes. Online searches for available rental properties within Sea Pines will be performed sporadically throughout the year.
The number of bedrooms that I am being charged for is incorrect.
The invoice amount is calculated based on the number of bedrooms advertised for your rental property. If you feel there is a discrepancy between the number of bedrooms available and the number used to calculate the fee, please contact the Sea Pines CSA Security Administration Office at (843) 671-1343. We will provide you with information and/or the advertisement that was used to determine the amount of the invoice.
I’m selling my property; do I have to pay this fee?
Yes, if at any time, you rented your Sea Pines property during the calendar year following the program’s effective date of January 1, 2023, you will owe this fee.
Is this fee transferable, refundable or able to be pro-rated if I sell my property?
No, the Rental Registration Program Fee is non-transferable, non-refundable, and not able to be pro-rated.