Community Updates

SPCSA Community Update 1.30.25

Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors Meeting Reminder
The first Board of Directors meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 10:00 AM and will be live-streamed via YouTube at

The meeting agenda will be posted closer to the meeting date at If you have a question for Sea Pines CSA Board consideration, please email your question(s) to

Critical Infrastructure Improvement Projects
Lighthouse Lane Infrastructure Improvement Project: Lighthouse Lane from Lighthouse Road to Mizzenmast Lane.

  • Paving operations were completed the week of January 13th (pictured below).
  • Site restoration is in progress. Roadway repair work will take place next week, weather permitting. Traffic control will be in place during this work.


Sea Pines Drive Infrastructure Improvement Project: South Sea Pines Drive from Merganser Court to the end of South Sea Pines Drive (stopping at the entrance of Lands End).
  • Slip lining, a trenchless technique for rehabilitating underground drainage pipes (shown in the picture) was completed this week.
  • Roadway and leisure trail construction continues with single-lane road closures, leisure trail closures, and flagging operations in place.
  • Roadway milling and paving operations to be scheduled in February.

Maintenance Projects & Services
  • Tree Care Management: Annual tree trimming along Sea Pines CSA-managed Beachwalks, starting at #47 and working south, began this week and will continue over the next couple of months. Our tree contractors will be on the lookout for dead or low-hanging branches, trees that require pruning, and will also assess the overall health of the trees along the beachwalks. While the beachwalks will stay open, we kindly ask pedestrians and cyclists to exercise caution and pay close attention to the flagmen present on-site.
  • Stormwater repair: Installation of a catch basin on the corner of Greenwood Drive and Red Maple Road is in progress.

For questions or to report a Maintenance concern, please contact our Maintenance Department at or by phone at 843.671.7849.

2024 Rental Registration Fee Overdue Balance Notice
Statements were emailed to property owners with outstanding balances for the 2024 Rental Registration Fee on January 21st. The payment reminders were emailed from to the primary contact email listed with Sea Pines CSA. As noted in the reminder, any property owners with a rental registration fee balance as of January 31, 2025, will have their guest pass and rental guest pass privileges suspended. If you need a copy of your 2024 Rental Registration Fee invoice, please contact Tracey McNeill via email at

Community Shredding Event

Community Shredding Event: Friday, February 21, 2025, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Sea Pines Center Parking Lot at 71 Lighthouse Road. This event is open to all property owners on a first come, first-serve basis. Please review the following:

  • For safety, everyone needs to remain in their vehicles. Do not walk materials to the truck. There will be cones and signs set up for cars to follow to the truck.
  • Please pull up your vehicle in line to the truck and bins. CSA staff and/or attendant will move the materials for shredding into the bins.
  • Please be prepared with your documents ahead of time. Staples and paper clips may remain on your documents; the documents must be removed from binders.
  • Commercial quantities are prohibited.