CSA Maintenance Updates 4/3/2020
Greenwood Drive Update
- Raised pavement markers to be installed next week, weather permitting
- Please use caution while driving in these work areas
- Visit www.SeaPinesLiving.com/GreenwoodDriveProject to find the most current information on this project
Sea Pines Drive
- Roadway striping to occur next week, weather permitting
- Please use caution while driving in these work areas
Leisure Trail Resurfacing & Repairs
- Please be aware while biking or walking that Leisure trail striping and asphalt repairs at various locations throughout the community will occur next week, weather permitting.
Asphalt Repairs
- Asphalt repairs on various roads to occur next week, weather permitting
For questions regarding any CSA Maintenance Project, please contact the CSA Maintenance Department via email at csamaintenance@csaseapines.com or by phone at 843.671.7849.