- Mailbox Maintenance: Regularly clean off pollen, mold, and mildew. Conduct frequent inspections looking for signs of wear and tear. If needed, place a replacement request for a new post, nameplate, or mailbox by using the online order form here.
- Laundry Items: Please refrain from hanging laundry items such as towels, bathing suits, and clothing on railings, balconies, or any location visible from adjoining properties, the golf course, the beach, or the street.
- Household Items: Items like coolers, bicycles, skateboards, yard maintenance equipment (e.g., mowers, trimmers, gas cans, garden hoses, ladders), firewood, and sports equipment (e.g., field sports equipment, basketballs, kayaks, canoes) should be stored out of public view when they are not in use.
- Service Areas: Use designated service areas to store items rather than leaving them in plain sight.
- Bicycle Storage: Temporary storage of bicycles in public view is allowed if they are stored neatly, as far from the road as possible, and in a location that does not block walkways or create a safety hazard.
We thank you for your continued commitment to keeping Sea Pines beautiful! For more information about our Community Standards Department visit seapinesliving.com/communitystandards. |