Community Updates

Chairman’s Monthly Report, April 29, 2022

While we hear from our friends and family in the Northern states that they are still “enjoying” winter weather, here in Sea Pines, April has brought us the warmth of Spring weather and the highlight of the Spring season, a particularly grand Heritage week in Harbourtown. I hope you got as much enjoyment as I did from the many views of our Sea Pines community during Tournament coverage on CBS and the Golf Channel, topped by fan-favorite Jordan Spieth’s nerve-wracking play-off victory. And how great to hear the enthusiasm for Sea Pines annually expressed by CBS’s Jim Nantz during the CBS broadcasts. Thanks to all the Sea Pines CSA staff who contributed before and during the Tournament to insure a safe and healthy environment for the many spectators and residents who were in Sea Pines for this event.

For the Board and our Board Committees, April has been a “working” month, as we continue to consider various projects that we hope to see to conclusion during the year. The month of May will be busier, with the Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for May 3, and our next Board meeting scheduled for May 19, both with a 10 AM start time.

As we did last year, the Annual Membership Meeting will be held on a webinar platform which allows significantly more members to participate, wherever they may be residing on May 3. Over the past two years, as COVID-19 protections forced us to rely on virtual platforms for all our meetings, we have come to realize that these video solutions actually serve the greater membership interests better than our in-person meetings at the Community Center. Unlike the limited participation in Committee, Board and Membership meetings available to those who happened to be in residence in Sea Pines when meetings were held, these video technologies allow members who are not residing in Sea Pines on the meeting dates to participate from their homes, offices or even their cell phone on a walk. I am happy to report that we already have a sizeable number of members signed up to view the Annual Meeting Webinar, and we hope that this number will increase as we get closer to May 3. You can still sign up to participate in the Annual Meeting by registering for the webinar at

At the conclusion of the formal part of the meeting, we will open the floor to any member for comments and questions, through a virtual microphone which will broadcast your audio to all members who have joined the meeting. This will allow you to address our President, Sam Bennett, and me directly, much as you would if we were meeting in-person. Directions for queuing up to speak have been provided in the Weekly Sea Pines CSA Community Updates and on our Annual Meeting Resource Page, and will be provided again at the beginning of our Annual Meeting.  If you are not able to attend the Membership meeting but would like to ask a question or submit a comment, you may do so by email to any time prior to 10 am on May 3.

THIS IS YOUR MEETING, and on behalf of Sam Bennett and your CSA Board of Directors, we all hope a large number of members will take this opportunity to register for the Annual Membership Meeting by Webinar and participate in the Q&A at the end of the formal meeting.




Larry Movshin

Sea Pines CSA Board Chairman