Community Updates

A message from the CSA Board Nominating Committee

As Chairman of this year’s CSA Nominating Committee, I want to remind all residential property owners of the August 1st deadline for filing your application to run for the CSA Board of Directors.
Having the privilege to serve the community can be a very satisfying experience as one attempts to solve community issues while helping to set the future of our wonderful Sea Pines.

If you’re wondering whether you should or shouldn’t run, let me offer up some things for you to consider….

Why engage in Sea Pines CSA Board activities?
CSA’s Board of Directors is one of the governing bodies of the Sea Pines Community. It is made up of 9 Class “A” Directors elected by residential property owners, 4 Class “B” Commercial Directors elected by the commercial owners, and 4 Sea Pines Resort Directors appointed by The Resort. The CSA Board oversees the operations of the CSA organization and sets policies and strategies for the future of our community.

Like other not-for-profit entities, the board is accountable for creating and administering policies in compliance with South Carolina not-for-profit corporation laws and the covenants created and modified over the years since Charles Fraser founded Sea Pines nearly sixty years ago. The Board must also operate consistent with the Bylaws of the corporation.

Board members are either elected, as is the case with the Class “A” residential property owner representatives and the Class “B”, commercial representatives or they are appointed as is the case with The Sea Pines Resort. In other words, the CSA Board of Directors is tasked with the role of creating the future and finding the best balance of the sometimes-divergent interests of the groups they represent. It is a forum for the exchange of ideas, debate, and ultimately, to make practical determinations to move the community forward and achieve our financial and operational objectives with the resources we have.

What does the “typical board member” look like?
Currently, the CSA Board is made up of a group of highly experienced business leaders and community members who have lived in Sea Pines for an average of twenty-two years. The most prevalent educational backgrounds are in finance and accounting, earned either at the undergraduate or graduate level via MBA.

Most have long careers in businesses of all sizes. Based on functional experience, the group is likely to have worked in more generalist or general manager roles and had profit and loss responsibility. Several members have experience in project management, communications and public relations, land use and development, engineering, construction, government relations. There is low representation when it comes to functional experience in Human Resources, Information Technology, Supply Chain, and Environmental Regulation.

Ideally, the board reflects the community it serves. We seek a diverse set of individuals who are willing to devote the time and effort required to be a true contributor and leader. The CSA Board generally holds 6 public board meetings per year, not counting committee and workshop meetings. In addition to attendance at the Board meetings and the requisite preparation, board members serve on and/ or chair 1-2 CSA committees.

What about prior board experience?
Prior board experience is desirable, but not required. Most current directors have not-for-profit and/ or private company board experience. Organizations of all sizes are represented. Some have public company board experience. Our typical director previously served on CSA committees before joining the CSA Board. Prior CSA Committee level participation is highly recommended, as it creates familiarity with current issues, history, allows for a better understanding of the different perspectives and the impacts of our covenants on decision making. Perhaps equally valuable is the opportunity to understand the time commitment and dedication necessary to be a contributing Board member.

What personal attributes are most important?
The Sea Pines community is unique. We have three components that constitute our community…residential property owners, commercial or business owners, and a Resort with multiple amenities. For our community to stay a highly desirable place to live, invest, own a business, and remain a first-class destination, we must find solutions that meet or balance the needs of Sea Pines Plantation as a whole. The ability to listen, comprehend, and resolve differences are required skills for any Board member.

The CSA Board is not a forum for people who have a personal agenda, but rather we encourage qualified people with high integrity, commitment and dedication, and an open mind to come forward and volunteer. Listening for understanding and having empathy are critical characteristics. Individuals with strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities are required for good decision making. Based on the size and diversity of the Board, good communication skills and the ability to work in teams and committees is invaluable.

How do I get involved?
Applications for running for the CSA Board are available on our website by visiting and I have included links to the application below.

Applications to run for the CSA Board must be returned by mail to 175 Greenwood Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 or by email to Joan Berger, CSA Document Administrator at by August 1, 2019.
CSA Class “A” (Residential Representative) Application Forms
Click here for CSA 2020 Class “A”- Board of Directors Application (Due 8/1/19)
Click here for CSA 2020 Class “A”- Board of Directors Application – writable format

Click here for CSA 2020 Class “A”- Board of Directors by Petition (Due 10/1/19)

We hope you will consider serving your community.

Michael Tucker
CSA Nominating Committee Chairman