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Process for Encroachment Request

Under the 1974 Covenants “Open Space” is defined as land covered by natural vegetation or water, including lakes, lagoons and areas built up by spoil operation. Community Services Associates, Inc. (“CSA”) owns and maintains some of the open space within Sea Pines. The CSA Board has adopted a policy (the “Policy”), see attachment A, establishing procedures to request approval for encroachment into CSA Open Space due to landscaping or construction by Sea Pines Property Owners.

The following guide has been established to assist property owners and contractors with the encroachment request process. Multiple entities are involved and circumstances may vary; each property owner is responsible for ensuring they have received all necessary approvals, permits and an Encroachment Agreement from CSA before construction begins.

The following steps are required to obtain a standard encroachment agreement:

1. Complete CSA Encroachment Agreement Application (see attachment B) and submit to CSA the following:

i) Complete and signed Application.
ii) Detailed description of the request and need.
iii) As-built survey (less than two (2) years old) depicting all improvements, easements and denoting the proposed project/encroachment location prepared by a professional or registered land surveyor.
iv) Nonrefundable Application fee of $1,000.00, payable to Community Services Associates, Inc.
v) Letter/email of Authorization if Application is signed by Agent on behalf of Owner.

Upon receipt of a complete application and all requested documentation, a CSA representative will make an initial site visit to evaluate the area and make recommendations to the CSA President.

CSA reserves the right to hold processing of any application until all assessments and any outstanding fees have been paid in full by owner(s).

2. Upon receipt of the CSA representative’s recommendations for the evaluated area, the proposed project will be submitted to the CSA Board for final approval.

3. If the CSA Board approves the proposed project encroaching into the CSA Open Space, CSA will draft a CSA Encroachment Agreement to be signed by the property owner(s) which will be filed with the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina.

4. Once CSA receives the signed encroachment agreement, property owners may seek permitting from the Sea Pines Architectural Review Board (“ARB”). Contact the ARB Administrator Ken Rabon at  Advise Mr. Rabon of the proposed project and provide him with a detailed description of the proposed project including the as-built survey. Mr. Rabon will provide you with information and guidance regarding the ARB requirements related to seeking a permit for an encroachment into CSA Open Space.

Should you have questions or require additional information please contact Joan Berger, CSA’s Document Administrator at 843-671-7853 or

Attachment A. CSA Encroachment Agreement Policy (Download)
Attachment B. CSA Encroachment Agreement Application (Download)