
Deep Well Donation Event

2021 Deep Well Donation Drop off events have been scheduled for the first Thursday of every month at the Sea Pines Community Center Parking Lot located at 71 Lighthouse Rd from 8:00 AM – Noon.

Food Pantry Donation Wish List for April:

Most needed food items:

  • Breakfast Bars
  • Canned Meat (Chicken, Salmon)
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Juice
  • Canned Fruit
  • Fied Friendly Snacks (Cheese, Crackers, Trail Mix, Fruit, Pudding Cups)

Non-food items:

  • Deodorant
  • Sunscreen
  • Band Aids/First Aid Items
  • Paper Towels

Those interested in donating may drop off items during the dates and times noted in the vehicle marked as the donation drop. When making donations, please ensure to wear a face covering and practice social-distancing guidelines. To learn more about Deep Well Project, click here.

**Please do not drop items off at the community center if the doors are locked and no one is present.**