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SPCSA To Launch New Security Software Program at Entrance Gates on 9/6

Sea Pines CSA is in the process of transitioning to a new safety and security software program called CSA360, which will improve the efficiency of our Safety and Security Operations. This new system is being implemented in a phased approach, and we have successfully launched the phases for our Sea Pines Security Patrol and Dispatch operations.

In our next phase, expected to launch September 6, a newly designed paper hangtag pass will be issued at our entrance gates of Sea Pines, the main gate, located on Greenwood Drive and at the Ocean Gate located off Cordillo Parkway. This new hangtag will replace the previous yellow Sea Pines pass.

This change will only affect daily and weekly visitors who purchase a pass to enter Sea Pines. Transactions are cash only. For those who hold a previously issued unexpired Sea Pines pass, decal, or other form of access, you do not need to take any action.

For information on Sea Pines access rates, please visit our website here.