SPCSA Maintenance Projects (1/18/24-1/25/24)
Roadway Asphalt Repairs: Due to low temperatures, roadway asphalt repairs along Plantation Drive between Greenwood Drive and Lighthouse Road, as well as on Lighthouse Road near Gleneagle Lane and the Fire Station, have been rescheduled to next week. Intermittent lane closures and flagging operations will be in place. Please use caution while driving in these areas.
Roadway Maintenance: Mulching operations along North Sea Pines Drive and Lighthouse Road is in progress and will continue through next week.
Stormwater Repair & Maintenance: Line jetting drainage pipes and cleaning catch basins throughout the community is in progress.
Please note, all work is weather permitting. For questions, please contact our Maintenance Department at 843.671.7849 or at csamaintenance@csaseapines.com.