Community Updates

Seven Year Forecast Posted

Annual forecast are developed by Sea Pines CSA Staff members and committee members for approval by the CSA Board of Directors on an annual basis for the purpose of planning for resources and projects.

Below you will find links to the seven-year forecast as well as a seven-year forecast for projects and capital expenditures.

Click here to view the PDF of the Seven Year Forecast.

Click here to view the PDF of the Seven Year Forecast for Major Repairs, Projects and Capital.

  • This Seven Year Plan of Major Repairs, Projects and Capital is revised throughout the year as priorities change. Projects and purchases may or will be deferred or brought forward. Only the projects and expenditures for calendar 2019 have been approved by the CSA Board of Directors.
  • Years 2020 through 2025 are not budgeted, they are simply a tool for planning and are not considered to be a schedule of projects and/or expenditures to be completed within a specific time period. Future amounts are rough estimates based upon historical prices and are not established contracted costs.

Questions? Please contact the Sea Pines CSA Finance Department by email at

Data as of 1/31/2019