Community Updates

Sea Pines CSA will begin Tree Work Next Week for Phase 2 of the North Sea Pines Drive Infrastructure Improvement Project

  • Tree work will begin mid-week of September 13th, weather permitting.
  • Work will be performed Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. Flag persons will be present to control traffic, as needed.
  • Motorists should expect traffic delays. The project area is considered an active work zone. Please use caution while driving in this area. To avoid the project area, please use the main gate located on Greenwood Drive.
  • Signage will be placed throughout the work zones and at various locations within the community, to communicate project messages.
  • Please observe and obey all traffic management personnel, signage and devices.

We look forward to keeping the community updated throughout this project through our community emails and our website at For questions, please contact the Sea Pines CSA Maintenance Department by phone at 843.671.7849 or by email at