Community Updates

Sea Pines CSA Maintenance Projects Around the Community (12/21/21-12/30/21)

Stormwater Repairs

A catch basin repair is in progress on Wildwood Road and will continue into next week.

Pictured: Sea Pines CSA Maintenance Staff Member, Reynold Shepherd assessing the broken catch basin on Wildwood Road.


Leisure Trail Repairs
Backfilling edges of the leisure trails throughout the community will continue the week of December 27th.
Roadway Asphalt Repairs
Minor asphalt repairs continued this week along Canvasback Road, Greenwood Drive (near Loblolly Road), Long Marsh Lane, Willow Oak West, weather permitting. Traffic control will be in place, as needed.
Lagoon Tree Trimming
Lagoon tree trimming will take place at Marshview Drive and Harleston Green Road the week of December 27th.