Community Updates

Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors Meeting Held 9/29/20

On September 29th, the CSA Board of Directors met and covered a number of important topics. A link to the meeting video, a recap of the meeting highlights, as well as more information about the proposed Sea Pines Special Tax District can be found below.

Sea Pines CSA September 29th Board Meeting Recap
Click here to view the Board Meeting recap and important action items.

Sea Pines CSA Board of Directors Meeting Video Available
Click here to view the full live streamed Board Meeting or click the links below to be taken directly to that portion of the meeting.

Timestamps of Board Meeting:

Proposed Sea Pines Special Tax District

During Tuesday’s CSA Board of Directors, the Board voted to pursue the creation of a Special Tax District, or an entity formed at the request of electors to raise revenue to provide services not offered by the county. As part of the Board’s multi-year plan to address critical projects throughout the community, the Sea Pines Special Tax District would generate an expected $3-4 million in annual revenue. All funds raised would belong to the Sea Pines Special Tax District and use will be strictly earmarked for specific capital improvements and infrastructure projects in Sea Pines.

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