Community Updates

Sea Pines CSA Board Chair’s Follow-up on E-Bikes

March 15, 2023

When I was a little boy, I quickly learned not to incur the wrath of my Mama. A bit later, I was taught not to incur the wrath of God. There were times when I thought they were one and the same.

Whenever I am involved in making decisions that affect other people, I understand that not everyone will be satisfied with whatever decision is made. Different people want different things. And those opposing positions may each be reasonable.

I learned to please my Mama and God in that situation by using a process that is reasonable, fair, and intelligent.

  1. The first component is to give the people who will be affected by that decision the opportunity to express their thoughts, opinions, and concerns from the very start and to allow them to participate in the process,
  2. Then obtain and consider the appropriate and objective data from the best sources available, and
  3. Bring in as many resources as possible to participate in the process.

Regarding the topic of e-bikes, you all have sent hundreds of emails and articles. These emails have reinforced my opinion that there are a lot of smart people in Sea Pines. I think just about everything that could be said, has already been said in those emails. Your comments and suggestions have been very helpful, and I appreciate them.

Remember that e-bikes are not allowed to be used in Sea Pines; exceptions to the rule are available only for Sea Pines Property Owners through an approved medical exemption issued from our Security Department. Our review of this rule does not imply that e-bikes can be used without an exemption while the matter is under consideration.

I have created an Advisory Group of non-board property owners to consult with the E-Bike Task Force. These are experienced bikers knowledgeable in this area and some of these people have worked with the Town of Hilton Head on their e-bike policy and some work with other area biking advocacy groups. When the Task Force is done, it will make a recommendation to the full Board. That Board discussion and decision will be held at a Board meeting where you can see and listen to the discussion. Ultimately, the Board will have to decide what happens.


Many of you have asked to meet with me personally on various issues. I do not mean to be impolite, but I do not even have time to answer what has now become over 600 emails to me over the past 5 weeks. I have to be careful to save enough time for my wife so that I do not incur her wrath. Funny how my wife stepped into Mama’s shoes on certain things.

When you write me about operational issues that concern you, I can only forward those to Sam Bennett, our Sea Pines CSA President and to his staff. To get quicker action regarding operational issues, please send your email directly to Sea Pines CSA Management at and staff will route it to the department that handles that matter. It will receive quicker attention.

We are well aware that e-bikes are coming into Sea Pines from the beach. Sea Pines CSA does not own and cannot control the beaches. We can’t stop them on the beach. There are over 40 entrances from the beach into Sea Pines, which is where we can stop them. Could you imagine how many more employees would be needed to stop them at all those entry points and the cost!!!!

I am just sharing with you a few of the complexities of this issue that we have before us. If I am telling you too much, please bear with me. I truly want you to know more than less about what is going on.



David Ellis
Sea Pines CSA Board Chair