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Safety Precautions Regarding Alligators in our Community

  • Assume every body of water contains an alligator
  • Stay at least 60 feet (4 car lengths) away from alligators
  • Alligators are ambush predators and can move faster than you or your pets
  • Keep yourself, pets and children away from water’s edge
  • Swimming or wading is prohibited in Sea Pines’ waterways
  • Feeding or harassing alligators is dangerous and illegal
  •  When fishing or crabbing do not throw used bait or fish parts into the water

Digital Guide to Living with Alligators: Click here to view/print

To report an aggressive or nuisance alligator or to report any safety concerns regarding alligators, please immediately contact the Sea Pines Security Department Dispatch Phone Line at 843.671.7170.