- The peak timing of deer fawns being born in SC is late May and early June.
- Until they are several weeks old and strong enough to keep up with their mothers, fawns are purposely left alone most of the day and night by their mothers (does) who stay away from the fawns to avoid leading predators to their location. Does visit their fawns for a few minutes 2-4 times each day to move, groom and nurse them.
- Well-meaning humans often assume that because a fawn is alone it must be an orphan, leading to numerous fawn “kidnappings” each year.
- Fawns are typically left in an area with tall grass or brush, but sometimes they are left in more open areas, including backyards and near houses.
If you see a fawn bedded down, it’s best to leave it alone. If you see a fawn in danger (on a road or driveway) or in distress, contact Sea Pines Security at 843-671-7170. |