Did you know that Sea Pines CSA facilitates debris pick-up from residential drop sites throughout the community?
Sea Pines CSA weekly yard waste pick-up service provides property owners with collection of “green material”. “Green material” includes, but is not limited to, yard trimmings, untreated wood wastes, natural fiber products, trees with approval, and small limbs not over 6” in diameter. The “green material” is processed into mulch at our Recycling Debris Facility and provided free of charge to property owners, upon request.
Please do not place other debris such as trash, doggie waste bags, flower pots, tree stumps, plastic, or concrete in the debris pickup locations.
For more information about neighborhood debris collection click here. If you are not aware of the yard debris pickup location in your neighborhood, please contact the Sea Pines CSA Maintenance Department by phone at 843.671.7849 or by email at csamaintenance@csaseapines.com.