Deep Well Donation Drop Off Events Planned May 11 & May 13
The Deep Well Project has been helping neighbors in the Hilton Head Island area who are in need since 1973! Deep Well is currently seeking donations for their food pantry. To assist, Deep Well Donation Drop off events have been scheduled for May at the CSA Administration Parking Lot located at 175 Greenwood Drive on the following days:
Monday, May 11 (10AM-12PM) & Wednesday May, 13 (10AM-12PM)
Items of need for May:
- Paper Towels
- Full sized Shampoo, Soap and Tooth Paste
- Disinfectant wipes
- Canned Diced or Stewed Tomatoes
- Canned Vegetables (No Green Beans)
- Canned Beans (Pinto, Cannellini, Great Northern, etc.)
- Rice products (Bags or Pouches)
- Breakfast Cereal or Oatmeal
Those interested in donating to Deep Well may drop off the requested items during the dates and times noted in the vehicle marked as the donation drop. When making donations, please ensure to practice social-distancing guidelines.
To learn more about Deep Well Project, click here.