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August 2021 Board Chairman’s Letter from Larry Movshin

Chairman’s Monthly Report
August 31, 2021

It is particularly easy to identify the highlights of late August in Sea Pines this year: finally being able to enjoy the demolition of the Gallery of Shoppes building, while at the same time we have said goodbye to the summer “tourist” season in our community. And after a few weeks of heavy rains, we’ve been enjoying a particularly sunny and warm few weeks – perfect for the many outdoor activities we all enjoy in Sea Pines. I am pleased that we will be “grassing” the Gallery lot in the next few weeks, so that we can all enjoy a much calmer, cleaner look as we approach the Greenwood Gate.

While “tourist season has come to a close, we do continue to experience a higher level of occupancy in Sea Pines than in the past – as the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched on, more of our property owners are able to enjoy telecommuting from Sea Pines. But we have seen a more typical reduction in traffic on our roads, the result of the transition from extremely high “tourist” occupancy to levels we would expect as schools go back into session in South Carolina, our Southern neighboring states and the Midwestern States that are home to so many of our seasonal visitors. While I must still occasionally be reminded that patience should remain the rule on the roads and leisure trails, hopefully it isn’t necessary as often on any day as it has been for the past several months!

Unfortunately, our Sea Pines zip code – 29928 – has not been immune to the spike in reported cases of COVID-19 resulting from the so-called “Delta variant”, including many so-called “breakthrough” cases in vaccinated individuals. As a result, we are asking anyone who needs services from CSA to “mask up” when in contact with CSA Staff – and if possible to use the online approaches that are available for many of our CSA Services to avoid contact altogether. And we urge all of our property owners and visitors to take all available precautions to avoid catching or spreading this highly contagious disease.

Although Board and Board Committee activities have been relatively limited during August, our CSA Staff has continued to work on various infrastructure projects throughout the community, as highlighted in our weekly updates. And most Board Committees and the Board itself will be meeting in September to continue the pursuit of several initiatives we have undertaken to maintain and improve the quality of life for our property owners and guests in Sea Pines. While there’s not much to report this month, I can confirm that we are constantly working to assure that Sea Pines is the premiere community on our Island.

As always, I welcome your comments, questions and suggestions at my email address.

Thank you for your continued support,

Larry Movshin

CSA Board Chairman