Community Updates

A message from the Sea Pines CSA Board Chair- October 9, 2023

Sea Pines CSA Board Forms Task Force to Address Traffic, Congestion, and Access Into and Out of Sea Pines; Named Top Priorities for Sea Pines CSA Board

A message from the Sea Pines CSA Board Chair

October 9, 2023

You may remember that in my letter on August 4th, I wrote to the community regarding the Town of Hilton Head Island’s report on their corridor traffic study. This study among other locations throughout the Island also includes the Sea Pines Circle, Pope Avenue, part of Greenwood Drive, and adjacent streets. Click here to view that presentation on the Town’s website, the part about our area starts on page 130.

At that time, I also established a Sea Pines CSA Board Task Force to address our community’s challenges with Traffic, Congestion, and Access into and out of Sea Pines and to become involved with the Town and whatever other entities may be appropriate to address these challenges. This will also include the part of Greenwood Drive from the Gate to Club Course Drive.

The Task Force has met several times and at their last meeting, we met with the Town of Hilton Head Island’s Planning staff for an individual presentation and discussion of the status of the Town’s traffic studies and plans for our end of the Island.

This Task Force will be meeting monthly to continue to spearhead this work and the Board anticipates an update from this Task Force at our upcoming Board meeting on November 14 at 10 AM. I hope you will join us for that meeting via livestream at

Also, if you have not noticed, there is now a new leisure trail along Greenwood Drive, connecting the existing leisure trail at the Greenwood Gate to the corner of 14 Greenwood Drive. Several of you have already commented to me that you were extremely happy to see this done. Sea Pines CSA owns this portion of the roadway outside of our community, from the gate to the entrance of the Sea Pines Circle and this new leisure trail will vastly improve the safety in this area for pedestrians and cyclists.

Speaking of traffic safety and congestion outside of our gates, the Board has named these challenges as our top priorities, and we will continue to work on our community’s behalf towards resolution with the parties involved. We intend to be involved in the planning and also be a force for getting improvements implemented for our community without delay.

I will be calling on you, our property owners, to support our efforts with the various governmental entities. Your appearance at Town and government meetings and you voicing your concerns about getting solutions to the traffic problems in our part of the Island is a part of the process of government that everyone can participate in.

PS: For those of you who have commented that my present writing style is different from my days at the Sea Pines Country Club, you are correct. You have told me that you’d prefer I go back to my former style. Sometime in the future, I will sit down to write another message and let the country writer come out again.

David Ellis

Sea Pines CSA Board Chair