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A message from the Sea Pines CSA Board Chair RE: Sea Pines Circle Zoning District

July 24, 2023

The Town of Hilton Head is considering amendments to its Land Management Ordinance (“LMO”), specifically with respect to the Sea Pines Circle Zoning District. This new development type has its own set of allowed uses on property in that District; revised parking requirements, type of housing, density, mixed use purposes for business and residential, etc.

The Sea Pines Circle Zoning District includes property along Greenwood Drive near our front gate, extending past the USCB campus for a ways and then up along New Orleans Road.

The Town Planning Commission recommended text amendments to the proposed ordinance.

The first reading of those amendments was presented at the Town Council meeting last week.

The Town Council made recommendations for changes to the Commission’s proposed amendment and sent it back to the Planning Commission, which is meeting this week.

When the Planning Commission considers the Town Council’s recommendations, they will make their recommendation back to the Town Council. Then, when the Council takes that up again, which we understand will occur in August, Town Council can take action on the proposed amendment, which, if approved, will go into effect.

It is noted that a real estate developer has proposed a project in the vicinity of the USCB campus for residential and business uses, if the text amendment is approved.

You should become informed about the proposed amendments while they are still under consideration by the Town Council. And you should be informed about the proposed project. There is information on the Town’s website here and you can watch the video of the Town Council meeting here.

David Ellis

Sea Pines CSA Board Chair