Community Updates

A letter from Larry Movshin, CSA Board Chairman

January 8, 2021
Dear Sea Pines property owners,

I am sure many of you joined me in enthusiastically waving goodbye to 2020 and welcoming in 2021 with a new level of hope for a brighter future. I hope you were able to enjoy the holiday weeks notwithstanding the restrictions we all had to bear to minimize the risk of a COVID-spreading event.

The New Year gives your CSA Board renewed optimism to continue improving the Sea Pines experience. In particular, we have great hope that the Infrastructure Improvement Referendum will be approved by Participating Property Owners. For those who have already returned their Referendum ballots, thank you. And for those who still hold their ballots, please exercise your vote and mail your ballot back before the January 20, 2021 postmark deadline. The Referendum’s results will provide a strong barometer of residential property owners’ enthusiasm for the Board’s decision to find the additional revenues needed to revitalize our community and protect our property values.

Next week, the Board will meet to elect officers, appoint Committee Chairs and assign non-Board membership to Board Committees. I am pleased to note that all of the property owners who completed applications for Committee membership will be offered seats on at least one Board Committee. We greatly value the input of those property owners who are willing to commit their time to committee service. With new Zoom technology, we are pleased at the significant increase in non-resident property owners who will be more readily able to serve on Board Committees. With the hope that our capital funding issues will be resolved early this year, I am anticipating very active Board Committee work on many of the issues our community faces as the number of people enjoying Sea Pines continues to grow.

As always, I encourage those with comments or questions to direct them to me at, even before engaging in social media debates. I can assure you that you will receive fact-based responses, and your comments will be fully considered by CSA Staff and Board members who have the actual ability to act on them.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to continuing to engage with the community during the year through my monthly letters and our regular Board meetings.


Larry Movshin
CSA Board Chairman