A Note from CSA President, Sam Bennett- June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
In my last note, I covered how our operations have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, and while many of those impacts are still in place, some restrictions have been relaxed. This has allowed us to reopen the Tower Beach pavilion with limitations on the number of people using it to encourage social distancing. We will also be able to resume a modified Beach Shuttle Trolley service beginning on Monday of next week. We will continue to follow government recommendations as we look to slowly and safely return to normal CSA operations. We will also continue to promote social distancing, the wearing of face coverings, and enhanced attention to hygiene to the increasing number of visitors and guests arriving each day.
Last week, the CSA Board of Directors met and covered a number of important topics. A link to the meeting video is included below. Because the meeting was over 2 hours in length, we also created a written summary of the meeting highlights. That link is also included below. However, I would like to point out three key items that occurred during the meeting. First, the Board discussed the revenue deficit CSA is projecting because of COVID-19 and how we intend to manage it as we move through 2020. Second, a plan was presented to the Board to use $2.5 million dollars in current investments to address critical infrastructure over the next 18 months. The Board endorsed the concept and directed staff to finalize the plan in conjunction with the CSA Finance and MEMP committees. Finally, it was reported to the board that the CSA Revenue Task Force is working toward an end of the summer recommendation in regards to long term community infrastructure funding.
There are many things happening in Sea Pines, and our team has provided many updates and resources for you in the email below. If you have a question on a matter we have not covered or need clarification on an item, please reach out to us at info@csaseapines.com One of our CSA team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.
As always, I appreciate the opportunity to serve as the Sea Pines CSA President and can be reached at president@csaseapines.com. I hope you have a great weekend!
Sam Bennett
CSA President
Click here to view the May 28th CSA Board Meeting Video
Click here to view the May 28th CSA Board Meeting Highlights
Click here to view the CSA Community Communication from 6/5/20 referred to in the letter above.