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Wildlife Safety Reminders for Manatees

Manatees are warm-weather visitors to South Carolina, typically arriving in May and leaving by November. Please see SCDNR’s Tips for Being Manatee Friendly below:

  • Dock owners should never feed manatees or give them fresh water.
  • Never pursue, harass or play with manatees. It is bad for the manatees and is illegal.
  • Boaters should look around for manatees before cranking their boat’s motor and watch for large swirls in the water that may be caused by manatees diving away.
  • Heed “slow speed,” “no wake” signs, especially around docks. Use caution when navigating in shallow water and along the edge of a marsh.
  • Wear polarized sunglasses to reduce glare, making it easier to spot manatees below the surface.

Report any wildlife violations to SCDNR’s 24/7 hotline: 1-800-922-5431.