Immediately following the meeting adjournment, there will be a question and answer period. The Zoom webinar platform provides the opportunity for attending property owners to speak directly to the meeting presenters via the “raise your hand” function.
How do I raise my hand to comment or ask a question?
- IF JOINING BY A PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or Android Device: If joining by any of these devices listed, please raise your hand with the “raise your hand” function in the Zoom webinar platform, if you have a relevant comment or question.
- IF JOINING BY PHONE ONLY: If you join the webinar by phone, dial *9 to raise your hand.
- Member questions will be addressed in the order they are received based on when the member “raises their hand”. When public comment is called, you will be acknowledged by name or by the last few digits of your phone number you are joining via telephone.
- When called upon, please state your name and address and you will be given time to speak.
To submit your question in advance of the meeting, please email your question to by the meeting start.